DETIN - Conduit manufacture for electrical installations English
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DETIN - Conduit manufacture for electrical installations

“DETIN”´s board bases its Quality Policy on their customer satisfaction degree’s achievement.

For DETIN, quality is a philosophy that involves everybody in improving company’s products and processes, causing customer highest expectations´ fulfilment.

DESARROLLOS DE TUBERÍAS INDUSTRIALES, S.L. – “DETIN”´s Quality Policy’s basic principles are:

Quality is basic and it must be joined to a good professional practice and products’ manufacturing that fulfil customers´ requirements.

Customers are the main part of the business and therefore, the way to adapt to customer’s requirements will be searched at all times. The board thinks that company’s prestige and image is inherent to a quality service to all our customers.

All our staff’s active collaboration is basic for the maintenance and improvement of the company’s quality system. All the staff will be involved and will take responsibility for Quality in their daily work.

The board will promote all the means in order to get a continuous improvement in all the activities of the company.

DETIN’s board thinks that employees are the main active that the company has. Therefore, it will make a great effort in order to guarantee their employees’ security and health at all times.



©2007 DETIN · Polígono Akarregi · Parcela 6 · 20120 Hernani · Tel. 943 333 730 · Fax. 943 333 721 · Mail.
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